Until now, I haven’t had a teriyaki burger for about two decades. These burgers brought back memories of the best teriyaki burgers I ever had at Denny Andrew’s American Bar. Fellow Edmontonians from that era might remember their catchy commercial gingle back in the 80’s, “where the good times roll”……anyway, in high school I used to work the Saturday afternoon hostess shift but I had to leave by 6 p.m. when the restaurant turned into a nightclub, poor minor that I was. I had the teriyaki burger every Saturday.

Here’s the updated recipe. To good eating, Christine

1 lb. ground chicken

1/4 cup ground steel cut oats

1 egg

1/2 cup Yakitori Sauce, divided (see recipe below)

six slices fresh pineapple

Combine meat, oats, eggs and sauce and form about six patties. Cook in Epicure’s Grill pan or barbeque for about 4-5 minutes per side, basting with Yakitori Sauce. Remove burgers from heat when done and lightly grill the pineapple, also basted with Yakitori Sauce. Top each patty with a slice of pineapple and enjoy.

Yakitori sauce: Whisk up 1 tbsp flour, 1 tbsp. Epicure’s Teriyaki Seasoning, 2/3 cup low sodium soy sauce, 1/4 cup sugar and 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Heat to a boil and keep whisking until slightly thickened.