This recipe was made up in about a minute of brainstorming by a wonderful customer named Kathy at a recent get together. She was looking at Epicure’s world blends and as she thought out loud, she said, “you know, the garam masala or the tandoori would be great with chicken simmered with a can of tomatos and a can of coconut milk.”

“Oooooo,” I said, “that sounds wonderful! I would like to make that, can I say that I got the recipe from you?”

“Ha, if you want to call that a recipe,” she replied!

Well, when it’s super easy and tastes great, for me, that’s the best kind of recipe!

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1-28 oz. can diced tomatos

1 can organic coconut milk

1 Tbsp. Epicure’s Tandoori seasoning

1 tsp. Epicure’s Garam Masala.

Brown chicken breasts lightly in Epicure’s wok, then add the remaining ingredients and simmer about 40 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Make some rice to go with it and add a teaspoon of garam masala to the water while the rice is cooking.